Welcome to Jain Alert Group Of USA
Organization empowering vibrant, energetic, and progressive Jains of the USA
About Jain Alert Group
Jain Alert Group of USA is established to build a network of vibrant, energetic, and progressive Jains in the USA inspired by present mentor and guide of Jain Alert Group Param Pujya Acharya Bhagwant Saraswati Labdhi Prasad Shrimad Vijay Ratnasundar Surishwarji Maharaj Saheb. Jain Alert (a way of life) was introduced by Param PujyaYuvaHraday Samrat Acharya Bhagwant Shri Hemratna Surishwarji Maharaja Saheb, who envisioned the need for a platform that would engage and empower all Jains.
Jain Alert Group of USA's mission is to connect and empower self-disciplined and passionate individuals in the USA dedicated to the principles of Jainism, and more precisely, humanity towards all. Alert Group of USA will spread the value of Jainism in North America by working for the betterment of all living beings, irrespective of their race, religion, or origin. Alert is a way of life, a pious thought process, and great philosophy that has inspired Jains across India for 38 years to perform activities of Shri Sangh Seva and Jain Shasan Prabhavna in their respective Sangh, Area, City, Region and State.
Alert will provide a platform for individuals to share their passion for humanity and Jainism, and receive guidance, practical expertise, and financial support for doing any such activity with ease and effectiveness. The Alert platform is the right place to realize that each one of us can contribute to humanity, even in a busy schedule. One just needs to have pure intentions; the rest, Alert will facilitate..